Sunday, October 5, 2008

Relating the Severity/Eternality of Hell and the Pleasures of Heaven

"It is no solid objection against God aiming at an infinitely perfect union of the creature with himself, that the particular time will never come when it can be said, the union is now infinitely perfect.

God aims at satisfying justice in the eternal damnation of sinners; which will be satisfied by their damnation, considered no otherwise than with regard to its eternal duration. But yet there never will come that particular moment, when it can be said, that now justice is satisfied.

But if this does not satisfy our modern free-thinkers who do not like the talk about satisfying justice with an infinite punishment; I suppose it will not be denied by any, that God, in glorifying the saints in heaven with eternal felicity, aims to satisfy his infinite grace or benevolence, by the bestowment of a good infinitely valuable, because eternal: and yet there never will came the moment, when it can be said, that now this infinitely valuable good has been actually bestowed."

p. 251 The End for Which God Created the World by Jonathan Edwards within the book of God's Passion For His Glory written by John Piper

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